By Declan Dunn
Remember that crazy story people told you as a kid? "If you
squirrel away one penny today, two tomorrow, and keep on
doubling that every day, you'll be a millionaire in no time
flat!" Sure, if you just had the time. Or the pennies. But
the moral of the story is simple: save your pennies while
you have them.
Instead of pennies, let's talk about customers. The ones
who visit your Web site and/or send you emails. Do you
answer them? Do you try to make them into customers?
Most businesses online don't. They treat their Web sites as
places for people to look at their products. And they throw
away their inquiries-their customers-in search of new ones.
They go to banner ads, try to fool the search engines, and
run around like crazy trying to find new customers,
ignoring the incredible value right in front of their eyes.
The moral of this story your customers while you
have them. Answer their questions and follow up with them
immediately. If you don't, someone else will.
Can you say, with total confidence, that your Web business
is generating all the money it can now? It should be. In
three years, you won't have it so easy. The big businesses
are just starting to come online. Do you think a million
total sites is bad now? Imagine a million more are coming.
Customers will be harder to find as the marketing lists
settle down. Until then, survival revolves around a simple
"You are trying to win customers...Don't ask them to pay
for your efforts to sell them."
-Claude Hopkins, My Life in Advertising
The early models of Web advertising all made the customer
work. Banner ads forced customers to wait for a silly
picture. Push media came and went with the ridiculous
promise (and price) of software that doesn't really work
yet. Misguided Web sites splashed a pretty message on the
cover, while inside they were vacant lots. Just empty
promises, vague claims, and product-driven Web catalogs
lying around. Picking up the old Sears catalog was a more
personal experience than most Web sites. All of these made
customers pay by wasting their time.
The skills outlined here don't make your customers pay for
your efforts to sell them. They benefit your customers
whether they buy or not. The key is in your marketing-not
in Web sites, banner ads, or technology.
Set your goals: By December 1999, I would like to have a
list of ____ qualified, excellent customers who help my
business survive.
The Two-Step Web Sales Process
Step 1: Find out where your customers are meeting. Target
your first contact and make an offer that he/she wants to
Step 2: Get them to your Web site or autoresponder once,
show them you know what you're talking about, register
them, and offer them more.
Email marketing is the most misunderstood term on the
Internet. I'm not talking about bulk email or spam, where
you cold-call a bunch of customers by stripping addresses
and sending them a message they never requested. This is
the myth of volume-that more email is better.
Bulk email is volatile; more companies will sink than swim.
You want the customer to initiate the first contact; then
you can safely and securely follow up with them.
I'm also not talking about push media, where you focus on a
piece of software, hoping it becomes a standard. The idea
is to continually send your customers all the information
and advertising you can, automatically. You spend all of
your time and money developing a product, and forget to
whom you should market. This is the myth of technology,
that hooking onto the latest techie trick is the way to get
more customers.
Push media is volatile; more companies will sink than swim.
Push media focused on the way to deliver the message; bulk
email, on the address gathering. Between the two extremes
is a lesson rooted in traditional direct marketing. Instead
of sending out volumes of email, you want to develop
specific, targeted lists. What you want to find is a
targeted group of customers and integrate them into your
business. Keeping in touch with them is the goal. Email is
the best way to do this because it's easy, simple, and
everyone checks email.
First Contact: How Do I Find My Customers?
Establishing first contact is the toughest goal of any
email marketer. Where do you find your customers? How do
you reach them?
Before you begin, be sure you have something free, like a
special report or newsletter, to give them. Don't make them
pay for working with you. Build an offer that is so
appealing that people send you email. You can then safely
follow up with them and test out the process.
Millions of people are online, but they are forced to
organize the Internet for themselves. Sifting through
search engines and Web sites is a daunting task. The goal
of email marketing is to find the places where they are
meeting and give them the opportunity to contact you.
The most obvious place to find prospects is at other Web
sites, newsgroups, and mailing lists. This method of
marketing still works, but many mailing lists and
newsgroups have settled into their own series of experts.
It's harder to penetrate market share this way. Customers
have a tough time figuring out who is who.
It would be great to just buy a list of interested
customers, as you can in direct mail. Email marketing is
still in its infancy online and many of the so-called lists
are not tested or even targeted. Be wary when buying access
to a list; you may be buying a big spam without a target.
Before buying a list, you'll want to know the following:
To whom the email was sent. A sample of the message that
was sent, to see if your offer makes sense. Some idea of
results generated. Is this just a list of people or of
qualified prospects?
The best means of survival is still the endorsed mailing to
a group of interested customers. Find a Web site with many
customers, or a product/service to which you can easily
provide back-end products. Create a scenario in which you
bring value to the person owning the list, and that person
allows you access to his/her customers. This is one of the
best ways to target your prospective customers safely. It
will also add value to a list of email addresses that many
businesses have, but never take advantage of.
HINT: You can also buy lists, but be careful. I've seen
random (i.e., spam) lists of customers at about five cents
a name. Highly qualified lists can get up to 20-30 cents a
name. It's still cheaper than direct mail, and the savings
of time and headaches (for you and the customer) is
considerable if you take the time to find out if this is a
good list.
You need to determine how to qualify your prospects, to
narrow down whom you want to reach. Print media is perhaps
the best way still to generate significant email marketing,
because you can find targeted groups of customers via trade
journals, newsletters, and magazines. Then use email
marketing as your follow-up to their contacting you. Always
mix email marketing with another form of marketing, such as
direct mail, telemarketing, or faxing. Let them hear from
you outside the Web.
HINT: One way to qualify online prospects is by asking for
an email address and ZIP code. I run my ZIP codes through
Response Doubler, a software program that pinpoints the top
two percentiles of discretionary income in the U.S. by ZIP
code. I follow up all inquiries via email, and direct mail
those people in the top two percentiles income-wise with my
costly, direct-mail message.
Email marketing really means following up with your
customer. Often the fourth or fifth contact will lead to a
sale. But allow people to remove themselves from your list
with the following in every marketing email you send:
"If you would like to be removed from this list, please hit
the reply button and respond with any message."
Don't ever send email to someone who asks to be removed.
This is part of your qualifying process. Weed out those who
are uninterested and try to build up your list to include
qualified prospects only.
What you'll end up developing are lead lists (for new
inquiries), and your customer list (for loyal, paying
customers). The third key element is to build your remove
list, all those addresses that do not want to hear from
you. Many database programs exist which can compare your
new inquiries to your remove list. That way you avoid
sending a message to someone who doesn't want to receive
it, and protect yourself from flames or possible shutdown
by your ISP for sending inappropriate email.
Email marketing is a consistent and cost-effective way to
follow up with your customers. You need to treat every
contact as a significant lead and follow up via email.
Here's how to put email marketing into profitable action:
* Build your email mailing list as your primary business
asset. Separate those new inquiries, your lead list, from
your steady customer list. Finally, keep a detailed remove
list of all those people who don't want your messages.
Many of these are available online and can help protect
you from customers who would be incensed by your email
* The goal is to have your customer make first contact,
and for you to follow up. Respect the wishes of your
visitor; don't market to someone who doesn't want to hear
from you.
* Give them something of real value, such as a good
special report or newsletter, to encourage them to contact
you. If you don't give them something, you won't get
responses. Most online businesses fail to give them
anything at all.
* Use email newsletters and dispatches to contact your
customers. Give them enough information but not too much.
How do you figure that out? Ask them and test. Don't
forget to include your ads in these, as well.
* Don't feel up to writing? Sit down with yourself,
someone who sells the product or service (could be you),
and an interviewer. Sell the interviewer your product or
service. Record it. Transcribe it. Save it as a text-only
file in a word processor. Separate the interview into
smaller sections. Email it in parts. You then can email an
ongoing, valuable document that includes advertising,
rather than another sales letter.
* Create several follow-up letters. First contact is a
free report or newsletter. Second contact means checking
in to see if they have any questions, and making them a
special offer. Third contact should qualify them to see if
they want to explore working with you. Don't give up with
one or two messages unless they ask you to.
* Send out surveys or contests; test out questionnaires.
Set up interviews. The real goal is to get them to respond
to your message. This is how you qualify people. Those who
respond are potential customers, but keep emailing those
who don't immediately respond as well.
* Explore ways to mix faxing, telemarketing, direct
mail, and email to provide a diverse approach to your
customer. Find the one that works best, but use email and
at least one of the other approaches to truly set you
apart from the rest.
Be careful when establishing first contact with email
autoresponders; some people may not understand that this
email address will always send them a message. Be creative;
use several steps. Follow up with a combination of
autoresponders, targeted email messages, sales letters,
invitations, surveys, contests, and much, much more.
EXAMPLE: A visitor to your Web site requests your free
newsletter. You email it to the visitor via an autoresponder. You
receive a reply. Then, using Eudora Pro or another good email
program, you follow up the request with another message thanking
the visitor for requesting your materials. Use this to focus your sales
message outside of the initial free report or newsletter. Every two
weeks you send the customer another message. Test out the
best approach for you and your customers.
Declan Dunn 6960 Ridgeway, Magalia, CA. 95954 Phone: (800)
280-9807 or (530) 873-3637 Fax: (530) 873-0192
Declan Dunn offers consultations, seminars, and training to
Web businesses, developers, ISP's, and consultants. E-mail or call (530) 873-3637 with
questions. All materials Copyright 1998, 1999 Michael
Declan Dunn and ADNet International.All Rights Reserved.
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