By Bill Booth
Most people who are prospering from this form of marketing are
selling the sizzle and have forgotten the steak. This article
will provide the facts behind the hype. You will get the straight
truth from someone who uses online marketing personally and who
isn't trying to get rich by selling direct response techniques
as realistic BBS marketing concepts.
Marketing Electronically is a hot topic especially in these days
of instant gratification. There are advantages and disadvantages
to any form of marketing, but lately all I hear are the
Let me first mention the benefits as expressed by others and then
I will provide the negatives that have been unvoiced.
(1) You can reach millions of people.
(2) Lower lead costs.
(3) Quickness of response.
(4) Lower inquiry fulfillment costs.
All of this sounds great huh?
The disadvantages include:
(1) You must consistently market, more than with direct response
advertising or direct mail.
(2) Trying to keep your material on the boards.
(3) Your material can t be sales related.
(4) Finding out if there is an audience for your product or
service involves searching the online networks to determine if
it's large enough to even bother uploading your material to.
One major disadvantage to online marketing as I mentioned in item
three is:
You can t blatantly promote your material, your product, or
your service. With conventional advertising you can go right
after your potential customer with a salesletter, but, with bbs
marketing you have to provide up front information in the
form of a how to article and at the closing of your article you
can include a resource box which invites the reader to respond to
an offer that you make within it.
There are two advantages to utilizing a how to article. (1) You
are considered an expert on the subject that you have written
about. (2) Your material if information rich could remain on the
boards for years.
You cannot provide information that points the reader to your
product or service. In effect it must be generic. Give plenty of
information up front. This is what the system operators want on
their board and this will be what determines whether your
material stays on the board.
The online services are like magazines, readers call back again
and again if there is valuable information. If you re not
providing valuable information that they can read and download,
then your material won't remain up on the boards. Packaging Is
One of the best ways I know of keeping your material on the
boards is in a newsletter format.
You accomplish this by using a software program. I recommend
Writers Dream (available from Infopreneur publishing for $5) It s
an easy but powerful program. You can create up to forty five
individual chapters, each chapter can be a separate article, a
portion of a book, manual, directory, etc. The online publication
once created can be compressed with PKZip and uploaded onto the
boards. When you place material as an online newsletter your
chances are greater that it s going to remain up on the boards.
I have a business associate who has had his material in this
format on one large commercial network for over a year. One
important point, you can't put your salesletter (water-down or
not) into this online publication format and expect for it to
stay on the boards.
If you create an online newsletter in this IBM software driven
format, also create an issue that is in a straight ascii format.
This can be accomplished with a simple text editor or word
processor. This will cover all the bases and allow additional
computer platforms such as Macintosh, Amiga or Unix to read it.
Direct Response Techniques Don t Work!
I must keep emphasizing that you must provide solid information.
This form of marketing can not be approached using direct
response marketing techniques. It won t work! I warn you to be
careful if your following the advice of those who have a
direct response marketing mind set. You need to listen to those
who use the computer bulletin boards personally and know how to
operate a computer. Such as myself.
Listening to those who don t market electronically or know how to
use a computer is like trying to take advice on how to run a
successful business from someone who has never started one. It s
simply foolish!
Direct response marketing involves hype in print, you don t tell
a lot, instead you sell a lot, offering the reader plenty of
benefits that spell out wants in it for them." With online
marketing you need to tell a lot and I don t mean tell them what
they re going to get if they buy your product or service. What
do they need to do to accomplish specific objectives. If you re
writing a report on 25 ways to make money staying at home, you
can t write order my book and I will reveal these 25 ways. No!
You need to write an article that details the 25 specific
(workable) ways to make money at home and within the resource box
at the close of this article you can mention that there are
also an additional 75 other ways to make money at home and if
they would like to receive this valuable report simply contract you.
An Effective Method
Focus on building a list by lead generating. Offer something for
free. Generate the name and address. Then follow-up with direct
mail. This approach allows you to present the salesmanship, the
professionalism (straight ascii text is not very nice looking)
the potential customer is getting your sales message.
You cannot do this on the boards, without gathering the names and
addresses and mailing to them. This is the method that I prefer
to use, and one method I see working.
If you don t have a computer then you need to get into the
computer age. You can't utilize this new marketing method without
one. Actually, this form of marketing is not new it s been around
for quite some time. It s just been brought to the general
publics attention most recently. However, it s been presented in
a false and misleading way. All the hype and misinformation that
has been given as fact has confused a lot of people.
Through a great deal of online research I have found that some
things are down right false, yet they are still being presented
by some individuals as fact. For your own benefit I highly
recommend that you research this technology. I will tell you,
from my own research that you re not going to make thousands of
dollars just uploading your sales material on the boards.
There are realistic methods that can make you one, two, three,
or four thousand dollars or more a month. But, it s not going to
be instantaneous. You re not going to put your material up on
these bulletin boards one time and then overnight get flooded
with orders. I have discovered that online marketing is a
method that must be consistent and met with strict regulations.
Each board has it s own rules and you must adhere to them.
Otherwise spending time uploading your material onto these boards
isn't going to do much good. Your material will get kicked right
off. Ignore the hype associated with this marketing method and
do some research to determine what is true and what isn't.
One truth that will ring loud is that there are plenty of
inconsistencies being promoted. If you do your homework you'll
have an advantage over those who are still being taken for a
money stealing ride.
Your first step should be of course to get a computer if you
don't have one.
If you are going to get serious about online marketing get a
computer if you don't ave one. I have dealt with clients in the
services end of my business (placing their material on the
boards) and I can honestly say that if you want to get involved
in online marketing you need to do it yourself.
The online tools that are needed for electronic marketing
success can actually do a better job in your hands than mine or
another. It s similar to marketing a book that you have written,
you have a love for it because it s your creation. Only you can
promote the book and sell it with the enthusiasm and intricate
details that nobody else an. It s your own pride and joy. It s
the same way with online marketing.
E-mail is a powerful tool to use. It s instantaneous delivery of
your on-line classified ad inquiries. A lot of the boards like
CompuServe, America On-Line, Delphi, Genie all except classified
Classified ads on the various commercial on-line services are
inexpensive. I placed a classified ad on CompuServe ( a user
base of 2 million) to run for 26 weeks and it's under fifty
dollars. A benefit with on-line classified advertising is;
readers of you ad can automatically respond to your ad via E-mail
instantly. E-mail is faster than the postal service, even
overnight delivery is slow compared to e-mail! The simple steps
that it takes to place an ad on CompuServe for example include:
(1) You type your advertisement into a classified section
(exactly like those found in magazines), (2) The money is
electronically pulled out of your bank account or charged to your
credit card for your advertising order, (3) Your ad is posted
usually 24 hours later on the board, (4) Within minutes of it
being posted you can start receiving replies in regards to your
classified ad.
Once you receive your replies. You could E-mail back to your
inquiries your sales literature. This eliminates printing and
postage. However, I have found that orders increase if you
actually mail them your material by snail mail (first class). I
believe that the professional hard copy appearance is a better
selling device then straight ascii text.
Detailed Know How Cheap!
If you want to make money marketing online, then you need to
order a new 90 minute audio tape and special report (it s not a
salesletter) entitled Electronic Marketing Bootcamp This is
truly a need to listen to resource that will get you started
making money on the information superhighway. Send your order to:
Infopreneur Publishing, Box 20412, Dept EMBC-R, El Cajon,
California 92021.
A word of caution, don t become overly enthusiastic about online
marketing that you forget other forms of marketing such as direct
mail and print advertising. Online marketing is just another
form of marketing not an end in itself. I would continue to do
your print advertising and direct mail, but also utilize online
Electronic marketing like I've already mentioned is much more
demanding. Your not in complete control. You have to overcome a
lot of obstacles (as I have personally found out). If you cannot
be patient and you cannot be consistent with this form of
marketing I would not market electronically. As a simple starter,
place classified ads on the boards. Lead generate, gather names
and mail your offer.
Use this simple online marketing method. Gather your inquiries by
placing a lead generating (offer something for free) classified
ad or article. When you retrieve all your requests send out by
first class mail your sales literature.
The following article was taken from The Infopreneur Report
Newsletter which also discusses: Fax on Demand, voice mail,
sending your sales material via E-mail, how to put together an
online newsletter, how to create an diskbased catalog and how to
package your how-to-reports, articles, or books that you can sell
at a high mark up, but produce for under a $1 postage included!
If your current information products are costing you two to five
dollars to produce. They can be produced for 23 cents. This
information and more is available in the pages of this
insightful newsletter. You can get 4 issues for just $5 by
sending your subscription request to: Infopreneur Publishing Box
20412-IRR, El Cajon, California 92021.
I want to mention one important and almost over looked point.
Focus on the commercial boards, don t waste your time with the
little boards. A great deal of these little boards don t have the
funds to promote their service in the massive scope that
CompuServe, America On-Line, Delphi and Genie can and do.
They also don t have many callers as the larger broads have. Even
if you got your material on 70,000 of the smaller boards, it
still would dwarf the number of callers on the larger boards in a
24 hour period. You want a lot of people calling the board if
your material or classified ad is on it. I would only utilize
the smaller local bbs for practice and fun. For serious online
marketing the only way to go is the larger commercial networks.
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